The Writer’s Almanac for June 22, 2018

From “Endymion” by John Keats. Public domain. (buy now)

Book I

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases, it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth,
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o’er-darkened ways
Made for our searching: yes, in spite of all,
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits. 

On this day in 1878, Walt Whitman (books by this author) took a steamboat ride up the Hudson River and wrote a letter to his niece Hattie. He wrote: “I came up here last Thursday afternoon in the steamboat from NY — a fine day, and had a delightful journey — every thing to interest me — the constantly changing but ever beautiful panorama on both sides of the river all the way for nearly 100 miles here — the magnificent north river bay part of the shores of NY—the high straight walls of the rocky Palisades — the never-ending hills — beautiful Yonkers — the rapid succession of handsome villages and cities — the prevailing green—the great mountain sides of brown and blue rocks — the river itself — he innumerable elegant mansions in spots peeping all along through the woods and shrubbery — with the sloops and yachts, with their white sails, singly or in fleets, some near us always, some far off — etc etc etc…”

He went up for a visit with John Burroughs, who Whitman said had “plenty of strawberries, cream etc. and something I specially like, namely plenty of sugared raspberries and currants.”

It’s the birthday of science fiction writer Octavia Butler, (books by this author) born in Pasadena, California (1947). She started writing when she was 10 years old. She said: “When I was 12 … I was watching this godawful movie on television. … It was one of those where the beautiful Martian arrives on Earth and announces that all the men on Mars have died and they need more men. None of the Earthmen want to go! And I thought, ‘Geez, I can write a better story than that.'” And she went on to become a best-selling and critically acclaimed science fiction writer, one of the only African-American women in a field that is so dominated by white men. She’s the author of many books, including Patternmaster (1976), Kindred (1979), and Fledgling (2005). In 1995, she received the McArthur “Genius” grant — the first science fiction writer to do so.

It’s the birthday of novelist Erich Maria Remarque (books by this author), born in Osnabrück, Germany (1898). He was raised in a working-class Catholic family. He was a talented pianist, and to earn money for his schooling he gave piano lessons to younger children.

In 1916, he was drafted into World War I, where he worked as a sapper — a type of engineer —building bunkers and dugouts and laying barbed wire. A few months before the war ended, he was wounded by splinters from a grenade, and spent the rest of the war in the hospital.

It took him awhile to write about his war experiences. He drifted from job to job. Because of his injuries, he could no longer pursue a career in piano. He sometimes posed as a decorated officer in public, wearing a lieutenant’s uniform with medals, which eventually got him in trouble with the authorities. He did some substitute teaching, wrote a couple of sentimental novels, played organ at a mental institution, worked for the Continental Rubber Company, and worked in the photo department for an auto magazine.

In 1927, 10 years after he had been injured, Remarque began to write a war novel. He drew on some of his own experiences, but also on stories he had heard, and other things he just made up. That novel was All Quiet on the Western Front. He had trouble finding a publisher because publishers doubted that the public was interested in World War I anymore. Finally, his manuscript was accepted by a large publisher, Ullstein, who threw their weight behind a major marketing campaign. First they serialized it in one of their magazines, which sold out on every day that All Quiet was printed. It was released in book form in 1929, and sold 200,000 copies in three weeks. But Ullstein fudged the background story in order to sell more copies and appease the government. They took out some of the more explicit anti-war statements, and most significantly, they suggested that All Quiet on the Western Front was a memoir. They characterized Remarque as a regular soldier fighting in the front lines who wrote the book as a form of therapy, and they implied that he had written the book in just a few weeks and then never edited it at all. This strategy sold a lot of books, and it assured the government that Remarque was just a soldier with a story to tell, not an artist creating subversive anti-war art. Later, Remarque was criticized for changing the facts of his war service, when in fact he had not even set out to write a memoir. He escaped from Germany when Hitler took power in 1933, and a few months later, copies of All Quiet were publicly burned.

All Quiet on the Western Front made Remarque famous, and he used that fame to become an international playboy. He bought valuable antiques, and paintings by Picasso, Degas, and Van Gogh; he purchased a three-story villa in Switzerland; he hit up New York’s swankiest nightclubs; and he dated Hollywood stars.

Remarque is best remembered for All Quiet on the Western Front, but he wrote many more novels, including the best-sellers Arch of Triumph (1945) and The Night in Lisbon (1961).

He wrote: “We are forlorn like children, and experienced like old men; we are crude and sorrowful and superficial — I believe we are lost.”

It’s the birthday of best-selling novelist Dan Brown (books by this author), born in Exeter, New Hampshire (1964). His father was a math teacher at Phillips Exeter Academy, and Dan spent his childhood working on math puzzles. He said: “On Christmas morning, when we were little kids, he would create treasure hunts through the house with different limericks or mathematical puzzles that led us to the next clue. And so, for me, at a young age, treasure hunts were always exciting.”

Many years later, he was on a vacation in Tahiti with his wife, and he picked up a thriller that was left behind by the last tourist — The Doomsday Conspiracy by Sidney Sheldon. He said: “Up until this point, almost all of my reading had been dictated by my schooling (primarily classics like Faulkner, Steinbeck, Dostoyevsky, Shakespeare, etc.) and I’d read almost no commercial fiction at all since the Hardy Boys as a child.” He was enthralled by The Doomsday Conspiracy, and decided to try his hand at writing a page-turner.

He used his fascination with puzzles and symbols to write Digital Fortress (1998), a thriller revolving around government codebreakers and a dangerous algorithm, complete with murders, suicides, and love triangles. Digital Fortress didn’t sell very well, and neither did Angels and Demons (2000), featuring the Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon; or Deception Point (2001), about a team of scientists in the Arctic.

He wrote the outline for his next book in the laundry room of his house, sitting on a lawn chair with an ironing board as a table. He brought back the character of Robert Langdon and wrote a thriller featuring Renaissance art, the Catholic Church, and early Christian history. That was The Da Vinci Code (2003), one of the best-selling novels of all time. The success of The Da Vinci Code meant that Brown’s earlier novels became best-sellers too.

Brown hasn’t slacked off on writing just because he has sold millions of books. He said: “I still get up every morning at 4 a.m. I write seven days a week, including Christmas, and I still face a blank page every morning. My characters don’t really care how many books I’ve sold.” And he said: “In addition to starting early, I keep an antique hour glass on my desk and every hour break briefly to do pushups, sit-ups, and some quick stretches. I find this helps keep the blood (and ideas) flowing. I’m also a big fan of gravity boots. Hanging upside down seems to help me solve plot challenges by shifting my entire perspective.”

He said: “Writing an informative yet compact thriller is a lot like making maple sugar candy. You have to tap hundreds of trees, boil vats and vats of raw sap … evaporate the water … and keep boiling until you’ve distilled a tiny nugget that encapsulates the essence. Of course, this requires liberal use of the DELETE key. In many ways, editing yourself is the most important part of being a novelist … carving away superfluous text until your story stands crystal clear before your reader. For every page in The Da Vinci Code, I wrote 10 that ended up in the trash.”

President Franklin Roosevelt signed the GI Bill into law on this date in 1944. It was formally known as the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act. The newspapers barely covered the story, since they were occupied with the Allied invasion of Europe at the time. The bill had started because of worries that soldiers would come home from the war and be unable to find work; it was a form of unemployment insurance. It also offered small business or home loans at low interest and with no down payment requirement. In the process of drafting the bill, the congressional committee thought it would also be a good idea to offer to pay for college, for veterans who wanted to go. At the time, no one really thought that soldiers — most of whom were from farm or factory backgrounds — would be interested in higher education. Only 10 percent of Americans had gone to college before the war, and it was estimated that the rate would hold for veterans as well. But in the first year after the war, about a million returning soldiers applied for the money that the GI Bill offered them.

The original GI Bill ended in 1956, and during its run, nearly 8 million veterans made use of its education and training opportunities, and the 10 percent college graduation rate ballooned to 50 percent. In addition to getting an education, about 2.5 million people took out low-interest home loans backed by the Veterans Administration.

On this date in 1633, the Vatican ruled that Galileo Galilei was “vehemently suspect of heresy.” Galileo supported Copernicus’s theory of heliocentrism: namely that the Sun, not the Earth, was the center of the universe. All his books were banned, and he was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.

Of course, Galileo’s theory wasn’t quite right either. We do revolve around the Sun, but the Sun is just one little yellow star on the arm of the spiraling Milky Way galaxy.


A series of poems read by Garrison

Garrison’s Weekly Column


From “Endymion” by John Keats. Public domain. (buy now)

Book I

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases, it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth,
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o’er-darkened ways
Made for our searching: yes, in spite of all,
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits. 

On this day in 1878, Walt Whitman (books by this author) took a steamboat ride up the Hudson River and wrote a letter to his niece Hattie. He wrote: “I came up here last Thursday afternoon in the steamboat from NY — a fine day, and had a delightful journey — every thing to interest me — the constantly changing but ever beautiful panorama on both sides of the river all the way for nearly 100 miles here — the magnificent north river bay part of the shores of NY—the high straight walls of the rocky Palisades — the never-ending hills — beautiful Yonkers — the rapid succession of handsome villages and cities — the prevailing green—the great mountain sides of brown and blue rocks — the river itself — he innumerable elegant mansions in spots peeping all along through the woods and shrubbery — with the sloops and yachts, with their white sails, singly or in fleets, some near us always, some far off — etc etc etc…”

He went up for a visit with John Burroughs, who Whitman said had “plenty of strawberries, cream etc. and something I specially like, namely plenty of sugared raspberries and currants.”

It’s the birthday of science fiction writer Octavia Butler, (books by this author) born in Pasadena, California (1947). She started writing when she was 10 years old. She said: “When I was 12 … I was watching this godawful movie on television. … It was one of those where the beautiful Martian arrives on Earth and announces that all the men on Mars have died and they need more men. None of the Earthmen want to go! And I thought, ‘Geez, I can write a better story than that.'” And she went on to become a best-selling and critically acclaimed science fiction writer, one of the only African-American women in a field that is so dominated by white men. She’s the author of many books, including Patternmaster (1976), Kindred (1979), and Fledgling (2005). In 1995, she received the McArthur “Genius” grant — the first science fiction writer to do so.

It’s the birthday of novelist Erich Maria Remarque (books by this author), born in Osnabrück, Germany (1898). He was raised in a working-class Catholic family. He was a talented pianist, and to earn money for his schooling he gave piano lessons to younger children.

In 1916, he was drafted into World War I, where he worked as a sapper — a type of engineer —building bunkers and dugouts and laying barbed wire. A few months before the war ended, he was wounded by splinters from a grenade, and spent the rest of the war in the hospital.

It took him awhile to write about his war experiences. He drifted from job to job. Because of his injuries, he could no longer pursue a career in piano. He sometimes posed as a decorated officer in public, wearing a lieutenant’s uniform with medals, which eventually got him in trouble with the authorities. He did some substitute teaching, wrote a couple of sentimental novels, played organ at a mental institution, worked for the Continental Rubber Company, and worked in the photo department for an auto magazine.

In 1927, 10 years after he had been injured, Remarque began to write a war novel. He drew on some of his own experiences, but also on stories he had heard, and other things he just made up. That novel was All Quiet on the Western Front. He had trouble finding a publisher because publishers doubted that the public was interested in World War I anymore. Finally, his manuscript was accepted by a large publisher, Ullstein, who threw their weight behind a major marketing campaign. First they serialized it in one of their magazines, which sold out on every day that All Quiet was printed. It was released in book form in 1929, and sold 200,000 copies in three weeks. But Ullstein fudged the background story in order to sell more copies and appease the government. They took out some of the more explicit anti-war statements, and most significantly, they suggested that All Quiet on the Western Front was a memoir. They characterized Remarque as a regular soldier fighting in the front lines who wrote the book as a form of therapy, and they implied that he had written the book in just a few weeks and then never edited it at all. This strategy sold a lot of books, and it assured the government that Remarque was just a soldier with a story to tell, not an artist creating subversive anti-war art. Later, Remarque was criticized for changing the facts of his war service, when in fact he had not even set out to write a memoir. He escaped from Germany when Hitler took power in 1933, and a few months later, copies of All Quiet were publicly burned.

All Quiet on the Western Front made Remarque famous, and he used that fame to become an international playboy. He bought valuable antiques, and paintings by Picasso, Degas, and Van Gogh; he purchased a three-story villa in Switzerland; he hit up New York’s swankiest nightclubs; and he dated Hollywood stars.

Remarque is best remembered for All Quiet on the Western Front, but he wrote many more novels, including the best-sellers Arch of Triumph (1945) and The Night in Lisbon (1961).

He wrote: “We are forlorn like children, and experienced like old men; we are crude and sorrowful and superficial — I believe we are lost.”

It’s the birthday of best-selling novelist Dan Brown (books by this author), born in Exeter, New Hampshire (1964). His father was a math teacher at Phillips Exeter Academy, and Dan spent his childhood working on math puzzles. He said: “On Christmas morning, when we were little kids, he would create treasure hunts through the house with different limericks or mathematical puzzles that led us to the next clue. And so, for me, at a young age, treasure hunts were always exciting.”

Many years later, he was on a vacation in Tahiti with his wife, and he picked up a thriller that was left behind by the last tourist — The Doomsday Conspiracy by Sidney Sheldon. He said: “Up until this point, almost all of my reading had been dictated by my schooling (primarily classics like Faulkner, Steinbeck, Dostoyevsky, Shakespeare, etc.) and I’d read almost no commercial fiction at all since the Hardy Boys as a child.” He was enthralled by The Doomsday Conspiracy, and decided to try his hand at writing a page-turner.

He used his fascination with puzzles and symbols to write Digital Fortress (1998), a thriller revolving around government codebreakers and a dangerous algorithm, complete with murders, suicides, and love triangles. Digital Fortress didn’t sell very well, and neither did Angels and Demons (2000), featuring the Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon; or Deception Point (2001), about a team of scientists in the Arctic.

He wrote the outline for his next book in the laundry room of his house, sitting on a lawn chair with an ironing board as a table. He brought back the character of Robert Langdon and wrote a thriller featuring Renaissance art, the Catholic Church, and early Christian history. That was The Da Vinci Code (2003), one of the best-selling novels of all time. The success of The Da Vinci Code meant that Brown’s earlier novels became best-sellers too.

Brown hasn’t slacked off on writing just because he has sold millions of books. He said: “I still get up every morning at 4 a.m. I write seven days a week, including Christmas, and I still face a blank page every morning. My characters don’t really care how many books I’ve sold.” And he said: “In addition to starting early, I keep an antique hour glass on my desk and every hour break briefly to do pushups, sit-ups, and some quick stretches. I find this helps keep the blood (and ideas) flowing. I’m also a big fan of gravity boots. Hanging upside down seems to help me solve plot challenges by shifting my entire perspective.”

He said: “Writing an informative yet compact thriller is a lot like making maple sugar candy. You have to tap hundreds of trees, boil vats and vats of raw sap … evaporate the water … and keep boiling until you’ve distilled a tiny nugget that encapsulates the essence. Of course, this requires liberal use of the DELETE key. In many ways, editing yourself is the most important part of being a novelist … carving away superfluous text until your story stands crystal clear before your reader. For every page in The Da Vinci Code, I wrote 10 that ended up in the trash.”

President Franklin Roosevelt signed the GI Bill into law on this date in 1944. It was formally known as the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act. The newspapers barely covered the story, since they were occupied with the Allied invasion of Europe at the time. The bill had started because of worries that soldiers would come home from the war and be unable to find work; it was a form of unemployment insurance. It also offered small business or home loans at low interest and with no down payment requirement. In the process of drafting the bill, the congressional committee thought it would also be a good idea to offer to pay for college, for veterans who wanted to go. At the time, no one really thought that soldiers — most of whom were from farm or factory backgrounds — would be interested in higher education. Only 10 percent of Americans had gone to college before the war, and it was estimated that the rate would hold for veterans as well. But in the first year after the war, about a million returning soldiers applied for the money that the GI Bill offered them.

The original GI Bill ended in 1956, and during its run, nearly 8 million veterans made use of its education and training opportunities, and the 10 percent college graduation rate ballooned to 50 percent. In addition to getting an education, about 2.5 million people took out low-interest home loans backed by the Veterans Administration.

On this date in 1633, the Vatican ruled that Galileo Galilei was “vehemently suspect of heresy.” Galileo supported Copernicus’s theory of heliocentrism: namely that the Sun, not the Earth, was the center of the universe. All his books were banned, and he was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.

Of course, Galileo’s theory wasn’t quite right either. We do revolve around the Sun, but the Sun is just one little yellow star on the arm of the spiraling Milky Way galaxy.


Link test

And it’s the birthday of author John Boyne (books by this author), born in Dublin in 1971. He knew he wanted to be a writer ever since he was about 14, and after college, where he studied literature and creative writing, he took a job at Waterstone’s bookstore in Dublin. He’d write for a few hours each morning, […]

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The cruise cabin pricing will range between $2,200 and $5,200 per person. This fare includes taxes, port and fuel, onboard cabin service charges/gratuities.   Please reserve your cabin via the EMI website

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House band?

House band, led by Richard Dworsky, will include Chris Siebold, Larry Kohut, et. al. Richard Dworsky  Richard Dworsky is a versatile keyboardist/composer/recording artist/producer/music director, and is known for his amazing ability to improvise compositions on the spot in virtually any style. For 23 years (1993-2016), he served as pianist and music director for Garrison Keillor’s […]

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August 25, 2001

August 25, 2001

A May 27, 2000, rebroadcast from The Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, with special guests Butch Thompson, and Kathy Mattea and her band.
Listen to the episode here

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July 12, 2008

July 12, 2008

A summertime mix of three shows from Ohio. Dusty and Lefty get stuck roping shopping carts at a strip mall opening and “the drifter” returns to Lake Wobegon.

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What I saw in Vienna that the others didn’t

I was in Vienna with my wife and daughter last week and walked around the grand boulevards and plazas surrounded by imperial Habsburg grandeur feeling senselessly happy for reasons not quite clear to me but they didn’t involve alcohol. Nor paintings and statuary purchased with the sweat of working men and women. Nor the fact that to read about the daily insanity of Mr. Bluster I would need to learn German.

The sun was shining though the forecast had been for showers. I was holding hands with two women I love. There was excellent coffee in the vicinity, one had only to take deep breaths. Every other doorway seemed to be a Konditorei with a window full of cakes, tarts, pastries of all sizes and descriptions, a carnival of whipped cream and frosting, nuts and fruit. A person could easily gain fifty pounds in a single day and need to be hauled away in a wheelbarrow.

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A good vacation, now time to head home

I missed out on the week our failing president, Borderline Boy, got depantsed by the news coverage of crying children he’d thrown into federal custody and a day later he ran up the white flag with another of his executive exclamations, meanwhile the Chinese are quietly tying his shoelaces together. Sad! I was in London and Prague, where nobody asks us about him: they can see that he is insane and hope he doesn’t set fire to himself with small children present.

London was an experience. I landed there feeling ill and was hauled off to Chelsea hospital where a doctor sat me down and asked, “Can you wee?” I didn’t hear the extra e so it was like he’d said, “Can she us?” or “Will they him?”

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Man takes wife to Europe by ship

A man in love needs to think beyond his own needs and so I took my wife across the Atlantic last week aboard the mighty Queen Mary 2 for six days of glamor and elegance, which means little to me, being an old evangelical from the windswept prairie, brought up to eschew luxury and accept deprivation as God’s will, but she is Episcopalian and grew up in a home where her mother taught piano, Chopin and Liszt, so my wife appreciates Art Deco salons and waiters with polished manners serving her a lobster soufflé and an $18 glass of Chablis. If Cary Grant were to sit down and offer her a Tareyton, she’d hold his hand with the lighter and enjoy a cigarette with him.

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A summer night in the Big Apple Blossom

I went to prom Saturday night at my daughter’s school, which parents all allowed to attend so long as we don’t get in the way. It was held in the gym, under the basketball hoops, boys in suits and ties, girls in prom dresses, a promenade of graduating seniors, the crowning of a king and queen, a loud rock band to discourage serious conversation.

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Old man at the prom

I went to prom Saturday night at my daughter’s school, which parents all allowed to attend so long as we don’t get in the way. It was held in the gym, under the basketball hoops, boys in suits and ties, girls in prom dresses, a promenade of graduating seniors, the crowning of a king and queen, a loud rock band to discourage serious conversation.

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A Prairie Home Companion An Evening of Story and Song Love & Comedy Tour Solo The Gratitude Tour
A Prairie Home Companion: test only

A Prairie Home Companion: test only

A summertime mix of three shows from Ohio. Dusty and Lefty get stuck roping shopping carts at a strip mall opening and “the drifter” returns to Lake Wobegon.

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A Prairie Home Companion: September 10, 2011

A Prairie Home Companion: September 10, 2011

A summertime mix of three shows from Ohio. Dusty and Lefty get stuck roping shopping carts at a strip mall opening and “the drifter” returns to Lake Wobegon.

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A Prairie Home Companion: September 8, 2007

A Prairie Home Companion: September 8, 2007

It’s all about school in this week’s special compilation from the archives, so please remember your number two pencils and spiral bound notebooks. There will be a quiz.

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A Prairie Home Companion: July 12, 2008

A Prairie Home Companion: July 12, 2008

A summertime mix of three shows from Ohio. Dusty and Lefty get stuck roping shopping carts at a strip mall opening and “the drifter” returns to Lake Wobegon.

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The Writer’s Almanac for August 24, 2018

It was on this day in the year 410 that Rome was sacked by the Visigoths. It was the first time in 800 years that Rome was successfully invaded.

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I Think of You – 7/2/2016

I’m With Her (Sara Watkins, Sarah Jarosz, and Aoife O’Donovan) sing Utah Phillips’ “I Think of You” during our July 2, 2016 broadcast from the Hollywood Bowl.

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The Writer’s Almanac for July 15, 2018

The Writer’s Almanac for July 15, 2018

It’s the birthday of French philosopher Jacques Derrida, who founded the literary analysis technique known as deconstruction and who famously proclaimed that “there is nothing outside the text.”

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The Writer’s Almanac for July 14, 2018

The Writer’s Almanac for July 14, 2018

Today is the birthday of Woody Guthrie (born 1912), who once wrote a song about Billy the Kid. Coincidentally, today is the anniversary of the day Billy the Kid was shot and killed by Sheriff Pat Garrett in 1881 in New Mexico Territory.

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The Writer’s Almanac for July 13, 2018

The Writer’s Almanac for July 13, 2018

Today is the 41st anniversary of the 1977 blackout in New York City. It is also the birthday of poet John Clare, whose poem “The Sweetest Woman There” is featured in today’s episode. In 1840, Clare was committed to the Northampton General Lunatic Asylum, where he wrote some of his best poetry.

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The Writer’s Almanac for July 12, 2018

The Writer’s Almanac for July 12, 2018

Birthdays for today include those of Pablo Neruda, Henry David Thoreau, Julius Caesar, and Donald Westlake, who was such a prolific mystery writer that he used multiple pen names–Richard Stark, Curt Clark, Timothy J. Culver, and more–to circumvent his publisher’s reluctance to publish multiple titles per year by a single author.

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Link test

And it’s the birthday of author John Boyne (books by this author), born in Dublin in 1971. He knew he wanted to be a writer ever since he was about 14, and after college, where he studied literature and creative writing, he took a job at Waterstone’s bookstore in Dublin. He’d write for a few hours each morning, […]

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The cruise cabin pricing will range between $2,200 and $5,200 per person. This fare includes taxes, port and fuel, onboard cabin service charges/gratuities.   Please reserve your cabin via the EMI website

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House band?

House band, led by Richard Dworsky, will include Chris Siebold, Larry Kohut, et. al. Richard Dworsky  Richard Dworsky is a versatile keyboardist/composer/recording artist/producer/music director, and is known for his amazing ability to improvise compositions on the spot in virtually any style. For 23 years (1993-2016), he served as pianist and music director for Garrison Keillor’s […]

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August 25, 2001

August 25, 2001

A May 27, 2000, rebroadcast from The Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, with special guests Butch Thompson, and Kathy Mattea and her band.
Listen to the episode here

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July 12, 2008

July 12, 2008

A summertime mix of three shows from Ohio. Dusty and Lefty get stuck roping shopping carts at a strip mall opening and “the drifter” returns to Lake Wobegon.

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What I saw in Vienna that the others didn’t

I was in Vienna with my wife and daughter last week and walked around the grand boulevards and plazas surrounded by imperial Habsburg grandeur feeling senselessly happy for reasons not quite clear to me but they didn’t involve alcohol. Nor paintings and statuary purchased with the sweat of working men and women. Nor the fact that to read about the daily insanity of Mr. Bluster I would need to learn German.

The sun was shining though the forecast had been for showers. I was holding hands with two women I love. There was excellent coffee in the vicinity, one had only to take deep breaths. Every other doorway seemed to be a Konditorei with a window full of cakes, tarts, pastries of all sizes and descriptions, a carnival of whipped cream and frosting, nuts and fruit. A person could easily gain fifty pounds in a single day and need to be hauled away in a wheelbarrow.

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A good vacation, now time to head home

I missed out on the week our failing president, Borderline Boy, got depantsed by the news coverage of crying children he’d thrown into federal custody and a day later he ran up the white flag with another of his executive exclamations, meanwhile the Chinese are quietly tying his shoelaces together. Sad! I was in London and Prague, where nobody asks us about him: they can see that he is insane and hope he doesn’t set fire to himself with small children present.

London was an experience. I landed there feeling ill and was hauled off to Chelsea hospital where a doctor sat me down and asked, “Can you wee?” I didn’t hear the extra e so it was like he’d said, “Can she us?” or “Will they him?”

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Man takes wife to Europe by ship

A man in love needs to think beyond his own needs and so I took my wife across the Atlantic last week aboard the mighty Queen Mary 2 for six days of glamor and elegance, which means little to me, being an old evangelical from the windswept prairie, brought up to eschew luxury and accept deprivation as God’s will, but she is Episcopalian and grew up in a home where her mother taught piano, Chopin and Liszt, so my wife appreciates Art Deco salons and waiters with polished manners serving her a lobster soufflé and an $18 glass of Chablis. If Cary Grant were to sit down and offer her a Tareyton, she’d hold his hand with the lighter and enjoy a cigarette with him.

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A summer night in the Big Apple Blossom

I went to prom Saturday night at my daughter’s school, which parents all allowed to attend so long as we don’t get in the way. It was held in the gym, under the basketball hoops, boys in suits and ties, girls in prom dresses, a promenade of graduating seniors, the crowning of a king and queen, a loud rock band to discourage serious conversation.

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Old man at the prom

I went to prom Saturday night at my daughter’s school, which parents all allowed to attend so long as we don’t get in the way. It was held in the gym, under the basketball hoops, boys in suits and ties, girls in prom dresses, a promenade of graduating seniors, the crowning of a king and queen, a loud rock band to discourage serious conversation.

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